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What Are Eyelash Extensions?

Eyelash Extensions are a popular new service and product that lengthens and thickens your own natural eyelashes. Lash Extensions are single strands of synthetic eyelashes that are curved to replicate a natural eyelash. They are applied to each individual natural eyelash one by one for a natural, beautiful and luscious look. Eyelash Extensions are perfect for special occasions or for day to day wear.



Will the application be harmful to my natural lashes?

Not at all! Our eyelash extensions are applied on your own natural eyelashes one by one (without touching the skin) with an specially designed bonding agent developed exclusively for eyelash extensions. This new technique is not harmful to your natural eyelashes. The adhesive dries very soft on lashes allowing flexibility and comfort.


What do Eyelash Extensions look like when applied?

With proper application, meaning one synthetic eyelash applied to one natural lash the look and feel is completely natural looking and real. No one will know you have extensions. They will just think you were born with beautiful, long and luxurious lashes!


How long will a set of Eyelash Extensions last?

When applied properly, eyelash extensions will last the length of the natural growth cycle of your eyelashes. Everyone's experience will differ based on day to day activities but over all touchups should only be required every 2 to 3 weeks.


How often should I get a fill?

We recommend getting a fill every 2 to 3 weeks. If you wait too long your eyelash extensions will fall out and you will require a full set. A fill averages about 30 to 45 minutes.


How do I take care of my new Eyelash Extensions?

  • Do not get lashes wet for 2-4 hours after application

  • Avoid hot steam or sauna

  • Avoid running water directly on your lashes

  • Do not rub your eyes

  • If applying mascara do so from middle to tip, avoid root area

  • Do not perm your lashes

  • Do not use a mechanical eyelash curler

  • Do not pull on your lashes (this may cause your natural lashes to come out prematurely)





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(03) 9333 8782

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